Three Valleys Water are muppets

When we moved in to our new house back in April, I contacted Three Valleys Water and gave them the reading on our water meter, and had the billing sorted out etc. One of our neighbours told me that TVW had buggered up and were reading *our* meter and billing them for it – I’ve now found out that they’ve made another mistake.

I was speaking to one of our neighbours not long after we moved in, and he told me that they’d been living there about a year, and for all of that time, they didn’t actually have a meter fitted to their supply – the water board were reading the meter fitted to the supply to our house instead (which is quite obviously not the right one – must be a good 100 yards away at least), and billing them for that instead. Presumably, the people who lived in our house before us were also getting billed based on the same readings.

This weekend, I found out that, when the water board came along and installed a new meter for the neighbours, they also decided to take away ours!

We’re paying for water based on metered usage rather than rateable value, so I’m interested how they plan to charge us if they don’t know what we’ve used.

Bloody idiots – guess I’m going to have to phone them up and ask them why they felt the need to take away the meter that was fitted to our supply.

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