Graphing time-based data in Perl

I recently wanted to produce some graphs from a web app powered by the Dancer Perl web framework, and reevaluated the various Perl graphing moduiles out there.

Modules I considered were:

7 thoughts on “Graphing time-based data in Perl”

  1. Yeah, Chart::Clicker looks awfully nice but that non-Perl dependency chain is such a killer.

    I’ve been meaning to give SVG::Graph a close look as well since I like SVG graphics.

  2. I tried doing the same thing a few months back, and after finding Chart::Gnuplot wasn’t flexible enough I just went and made my Perl code generate gnuplot commands directly.

    It took several days of reading, but the results were worth it IMO.

  3. Nice. I’ve used other modules for this sort of plot in the past, but Chart::Strip looks like a good choice next time I want one.

  4. Thanks for posting this. Anyone using Fedora 15 will need to install libgd, which is packaged as gd and gd-devel in the Fedora yum repo.

  5. Thanks a lot for this. I have been trying to generate PNG files from Chart::Strip as shown in the MAN but not able to do so. I was wondering if you could help me with it. The code prints garbage on my cli and does not create a file. I have manually tried writing to a PNG file but it does not work and gives file error.

    Appreciate your help. I am using perl 5.10 due to some outdated libraries that I need.

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