Category Archives: Random

Craigslist gems

Just been idly flicking through the best of craigslist postings, and thought I’d share a few amusing ones:

April Fool’s Roundup

Just a selection of April Fools gags seen around the web –

Good stuff :)

There’s probably plenty more to add, mind.

Selling dodgy DVDs FAIL

Fake DVD dealer tries to sell films to trading standards officers

The hapless dealer hoped to make a quick profit after spotting a group of office workers in the Rose and Crown pub in Streatham, south London.

But he made the mistake of offering up to 300 fake DVDs to officers of Lambeth Council who are responsible for cracking down on counterfeit sales.

They showed the man their identification before seizing the discs and his mobile phone. He will be questioned by trading standards officers and police this week.

Whoops :)

Economic Models and Business Strategies explained with Cows

Shamelessly robbed from Metcountymounty’s post on Sheepdogs & Wolves (but also seen several times on other sites… yes, it’s an old one :) )

I think Britain most definately fits under the Socialism description here.

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and gives you some milk.

You have 2 cows.
The State takes both and sells you some milk.

You have 2 cows.
The State takes one of them and gives it to your work-shy neighbour.
They laugh in your face.
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